Swiss School of Management

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee plays a critical role in providing strategic leadership and operational oversight to ensure the success and sustainability of an international Business School network with learning centers in various countries.

The Executive Committee comprises In-Residence Program Directors, Deans, and Academic Partners representing the breadth of expertise within the SSM Network. These esteemed members bring a wealth of experience and insight to the table, each serving as
a dedicated leader in their respective roles. Together, they form a collaborative body that spearheads strategic initiatives, shapes academic policies, and fosters innovative approaches to education within the SSM Network.

The Executive Committee convenes annually during the Swiss School of Management’s three-day summit, held at one of the In-Residence Program locations. Throughout this intensive gathering, the committee delves into a spectrum of critical topics, spanning
Accreditation, Managerial Challenges, Financial Agreements, Research Initiatives, and Academic Quality Assurance. Discussions also revolve around program delivery methods and potential adjustments to meet evolving educational needs.
At the conclusion of the summit, the Executive Committee compiles its findings and recommendations into a comprehensive report. This document outlines necessary changes and requests for consideration by the Management team. Subsequently, upon
Management’s review, approved recommendations are slated for implementation, ensuring the continual enhancement and alignment of the SSM Network’s educational endeavors.

Dr. Robert T. Gharios

Executive Dean, Director of Quality Assurance and Accreditations

The Dean of an educational institution is a senior administrative leader responsible for overseeing academic programs...

Dr. Vasileios Margaritis

Dean of The Swiss School of Management Research Center, Member of the Academic Senate and School Board

Dr. Vasileios Margaritis is an accomplished academic and research methodology expert...

Logan Pacey

MBA - Director of International Affairs and Registration

The Director of International Affairs and Registration position assists students, faculty, staff, and alumni with...

Dr. Elizabeth Soliday-Naui

In Residence Program Director, Swiss School of Management Barcelona

Dr. Elizabeth Soliday – Naui earned her Doctorate (Magna cum Laude) from...

Lisa Marchese

In Residence Program Director, Swiss School of Management Brescia

Lisa has extensive experience teaching undergraduates, law students, and business professionals...

Gabrielle Robinson

In Residence Program Director, Swiss School of Management Rome

Gabrielle began her career in Human Resources in her hometown of Southampton, England, before moving to London to further...

Nagwa Sabry

In Residence Program Director, Swiss School of Management Cairo

Nagwa joined the Swiss School of Management in November 2020 as a Finance and Administration Manager, and...

Rejin Rajan

In Residence Program Director, Swiss School of Management UAE

As the In-Residence Program Director for the United Arab Emirates, Rejin Rajan has been pivotal in steering the...

Dr. Tyler Kim

Academic Partner

Jinho (Tyler) Kim is holds a PhD in marketing and statistics...