Swiss School of Management

Andragogic Principles

In 1980, Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1913 – 1997) made four assumptions about the characteristics of adult learners (andragogy) that are different from the assumptions about child learners (pedagogy). In 1984, Knowles added the 5th assumption.

The Swiss School of Management’s motto, “We Create Leaders,” has inspired us to introduce a sixth principle that applies to our educational programs for students. Each of these principles plays a vital role in shaping the educational experience at SSM:

SSM students possess a mature and secure self-concept, empowering them to actively participate in directing their own learning. Recognizing their status as self-directed adults, we believe it is essential to involve students in shaping the content and processes of their education. To ensure continuous improvement, we highly value student feedback. As such, we request students to provide their input through questionnaires during and at the conclusion of each course, covering various aspects such as course quality, learning content, instructors, and course organization.
SSM students bring valuable professional experiences to their learning journey. Acknowledging the wealth of knowledge they already possess, our focus at SSM is to build upon their existing foundations.
SSM students have reached a point where they recognize the value of education and are committed to approaching learning with seriousness and focus. To facilitate readiness to learn, we employ innovative tools and approaches. For example, our flexible learning options allow students to complete their educational programs either online, offline, or through a blended approach that combines both.
SSM students are motivated by practical, problem-centered approaches to learning, which aligns with our educational philosophy. Many students choose to continue their education at SSM for practical reasons and to explore new fields. Consequently, our learning contents are centered around issues relevant to students’ professional work or personal expectations. Rather than emphasizing rote memorization, our focus is on developing problem-solving skills.
At SSM, students are not solely influenced by external factors but are driven by internal motivations as well. In recognition of the diverse interests and aspirations of our student body, we provide opportunities for specialization across various fields, enabling students to pursue their individual passions.
Upon completion of their studies, SSM students possess a range of essential leadership skills. These skills include effective communication, team motivation, delegation of responsibilities, attentive listening, and adaptability to navigate the dynamic nature of the workplace. Employers actively seek these attributes when considering candidates for leadership roles.

By adhering to these principles, we strive to create a transformative educational experience that prepares our students to become exceptional leaders in their respective fields.

For complete information on our code of ethics please refer to our catalog and hanbooks